Monday, January 27, 2020

The Feeding Of The Five Thousand Religion Essay

The Feeding Of The Five Thousand Religion Essay Meier believes the version of the feeding of the five thousand story from Mark 8: 14-21, when compared to the second feeding miracle, is a redaction; that is being reworded. This comment is loosely based on the fact that the disciples did not experience the miracle face to face (vis-à  -vis). The version of John has similarities from the one in Mark 8: 1-10, said while the same cannot be said about the one found in Mark 6:32-44; it cannot be found. For example, the question of whence occurs in both Mark 8: 4 and John 6:5. The main difficulty that Meir has is the John story of the feed story is independent on the version found in the book of Mark. He feels it does not make sense that the version found in Mark 8 is considered the redaction of Mark 6, if the one found in John 8 share much similarities with that of Mark 6, instead of version in Mark 8. He is aware that many people run into problems when trying to explain such a thing. Meier questions how is it that Mark creates a reword ing of the story, that shares many key points with John 6 and not Mark 8; Mark 6 and John 6 share the feeding story with the five thousand people fed with five loaves of bread and two fishes, while the Mark version feeds four thousand people with seven loaves and a few fishes. On the other note, they both share the Greek name for baskets (two hundred pennyworth of bread), as opposed to Mark 8. According to Meier, Mark 6:32-44 has the greatest numbers of parallels with the independent version of John 6: 1 15. The theory that Mark 6 is a Marcan redaction based solely on Mark 8 is unsustainable. Not only is John 6 is the independent version of the feeding, but also that Mark 6 and Mark 8 represent two different versions of the feeding miracle; both were spread in the pre-Marcan tradition of the first Christian generation. There has been great debates on which elements should be assigned to tradition or redaction in the feeding stories based in Mark 6, Mark 8 and John 6. Meier believes some redaction traits are more in the open. The Johnanne version takes great care in letting the reader know that Jesus already knows what Philip is going to do, even as Philip ask John for information. Another redaction intervention can be found in John 6:4, with the mention of Passover; which is more debatable. The best way in indicating the essential elements of the primitive feeding story is to list the elements most prevalent in at least two out of the three stories, or even from the three. Since John has the independent version of the feeding story, it makes sense for the John version and one of the Marcan versions to be used. According to Meier, the way to tell which version of the feeding of the multitude is primitive it would have to contain the following elements: The Setup (which is the temporal and geographic al setting, the introduction of the characters, and the need to be met). The setting is on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, which is an uninhabited, desolate place. The actors include Jesus, his disciples and a large crowd that had followed due to the miracles performed by Christ. The dialogue in presenting the problem, Jesus and his disciples discuss on the subject about the lack of food for the multitude; there are only five loaves and two fishes. The lack of supplies is pretty obvious. The command in which Jesus tells the crowd to relax on the grass brings the setup to an end and provides the connection to the miracle proper (which is the words and deeds that affect the miracle and the awareness of the miracle taking place). Jesus takes the five loaves, give thanks, he breaks them and gives it to his disciples to distribute, same thing with the fish. Everyone is filled. The Conclusion is the confirmation that the miracle actually happened: There are twelve baskets full of leftov er bread, as the multitude have become full. Other possible conclusions are that Jesus dismisses the crowd, found in the Mark versions, or the crowd acclaims Jesus, found in Johns version. During Jesus pubic ministries, many have believed he performed miracles of exorcism and doubt that the feeding of the multitude goes back to any event in his lifetime. One of the reasons is that many commentators believe the feeding story was strongly influenced by old testament stories, particularly the story of Elisha feeding one hundred people with twenty barley loaves found in 2 Kings 4:42 44, the accounts of Jesus actions over the bread and wine at the Last Supper, and from the regular repetition of the words and actions of Jesus in early Christian worship. It is from these stories that many critics believe the feeding of the multitude arose in the early church. In Meiers view, each sources have left their individual mark on the various versions of the story; some versions more than others. It still remains to be proven if Jewish and Christian influences had any part with creating the Gospel miracle story. The Old Testament story that has the most in common of the feeding of th e multitude is the miracle of feeding by the prophet Elisha. In 2 Kings 4:42-44, a man comes from Baalshalisha, brings Elisha an offering of twenty loaves of barley bread. Elisha orders his servant to give the bread to the people to eat. The servant questions how this amount of bread can satisfy them. Elisha repeats his command with a small prophecy from Yahweh They shall eat and there will be some left over (v 43). The servant obeys and the prophecy is fulfilled (v 44). The parallels of the both feeding of the multitude stories are obvious: (1) The prophets apparent impossible order: a prophets orders his servant to feed a large group of people with a known small amount of bread (20 loaves to hundred men, 5 loaves for five thousand), (2) Bread with some other foodstuff , (3) The objection from his servant: the servant does not understand what is to happen, so he protests and stresses the impossibility of satisfying one hundred people with twenty loaves, (4) The prophets insistent c ommand: overriding his servants objection, insisting the order be carried out as planned, (5) The miracle and its confirmation by way of surplus: when the order is obeyed, the people are fed and there is leftover bread present. In order for another miracle to seem even greater, the number of people fed would naturally be increased in the Gospel story (from one hundred to four or five thousand), and the number of loaves on hand would naturally be decreased (from twenty to seven thousand or five thousand). At the same time, there are apparent differences between the Elisha and the Gospel feeding miracles. (1) There is no exact geographical or temporal setting to the Elisha story, unlike the feeding of the multitude (ex by the Sea of Galilee, near Passover, in the late afternoon), (2) In 2 Kings, there is nothing said of a crowd following Elisha. (3) There is no description to who the hundred people are and it is unclear where they came from in this concise story. (4) There is no indication that the hundred people were suffering from great hunger, lack of food or are unable to get any food by normal means. (5) The miracle story in 2 Kings begins with the surprising command of Elisha, with no preparation, background, or motivation in the narrative. When compared, the conversation between Jesus and his disciples setup the problem of the peoples lack of food before any food is present on site. (6) In the Gospels, the disciples are the ones that supply and locate the little food, and they d o so only after the story is under way. (7) Jesus first commands the crowd to sit on the grass, performing the Jewish household ritual for beginning a formal meal, which does not happen in the Elisha story; including the fish. (8) The questions and objections of the disciples precede his actual order, thus introducing the miracle proper. (9) The amount of leftovers in the Elishas story is unknown, compared to the twelve or seven baskets of bread left over in the Gospel narratives. (10) The basic structure of the concise Elisha story is based on prophecy and fulfillment, not so much the Gospel story. There are many other parallels that some versions of the Gospel story have with the Elisha story; but the parallels are not necessarily part of the most primitive form of the Gospel miracle of feeding. For example, the notion that the bread is barley is found only in Johns version (6:9, 13) of the Gospel story; the same adjective used in the Elisha story. While the mention of barley might be a relic from the primitive form of the Gospel story preserved in John, it is also possible that Johns version is late and secondary. Another possible explanation of the specification of barley loaves, John mentions that the miracle takes place near Passover (which is the time of the barley harvest). In other words, Johns notion that the bread was barley might simply be his way of emphasizing his beloved Passover symbolism. That goes to show that every parallel found between the present Gospel versions of Jesus feeding of the multitude and the Elisha story does not go back to the primitive form of the Gospel story. Even though the Elisha story shares a number of basic elements with the primitive version of the Gospel story, there is much in the Gospel miracle not found in 2 Kings 4:42-44. The other major text suggested as sources for the feeding miracle are the various forms of Jesus words and actions over the bread and wine at the Last Supper. According to Meier, not all commentators agree that the feeding miracle was affected by the Last Supper. Among the two Marcan and the one Johanne versions, the overtones of the Last Supper seem more evident in the structure of the second Marcan story. In Mark 8: 6-7, it says (over the bread) And taking the seven loaves of bread, giving thanks, he broke them and gave them to his disciplesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Over the fish) and pronouncing a blessing over them, he commanded them also to be set out, and they ate. At the Last Supper, Jesus said And taking the loaf of bread, giving thanks, he broke it and gave it to the disciplesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Over the cup) giving thanks or pronouncing a blessing, he gave it to them and they all drank. It is obvious that they share similarities in words. In the second Marcan version, there is a delay in the mentioning of the fish. This causes the bread to dominate the story from the beginning to the end. In the Marcan version of the Last Supper (Mark 14:22 -23), Jesus first pronounces a blessing over the bread and then gives thanks over the wine, with the same participles, in reverse order, that are used in Mark 8:6-7. The parallel with the Last Supper narrative is not quite clear in the first version of the feeding miracle, and less clear in John 6. The commentators that reject the Last Supper as a parallel stress the actions of Jesus over the bread and wine was merely the thanksgiving to God, as done by the head of a Jewish household over the bread that is broken to begin a formal meal. While there is some truth to this claim, it does not take into account a number of factors. (1) Mark 8:1-10 is so significant in the debate is because the tradition has evidently been carefully altered to provide a balanced pattern of giving thanks and then pronouncing a blessing over the dishes of food. The parallel of thanksgiving or blessings over the bread first and then over the side dish (fish) does not match the original Jewish ritual of thanksgiving; but matches the narrative of Jesus parallel thanksgiving or blessing over the bread and wine. (2) Within the context of the Synoptic Gospels, it really misses the point to say that the actions of Jesus over the bread and fish are similar to ones of a Jewish host at a formal meal; the actions of Jesus over the bread do not echo with those of the Synoptic Jesus at the Last Supper. (3) The isolated version of the feeding miracle found in Mark 8:6-7 are mostly likely later developments in the tradition of the Gospel story. Neither the Last Supper nor the Elisha story can prove the presence of fish alongside the bread. The fish tends to be increasingly downplayed in most of the Gospel versions of the feeding story; they are a primitive element rather than a later development in the tradition. In Meiers opinion, there is no explanation for their presence in all the versions of the story of some originating event in the life of Jesus. The earliest form of the feeding miracle available to us does not seem to have crossed with Elisha or Last Supper motifs and some of the elements of the earliest form (notably the fish are not explainable on the g rounds of the Elisha and Last Supper traditions. Rather, the account of Jesus feeding the multitude was defected. The stories of Elisha and the Last Supper do not seem to have created the Gospel feeding miracle. (4) Although the feeding miracle concerns the multiplication of loaves and fish, in every version of the feeding miracle the fish falls into the background. The subject is kept mostly on the bread, probably because the bread offers a direct cross-reference to the Last Supper. As seen in the second Marcan version of the feeding miracle (Mark 8:1-10), the story speaks almost entirely of loaves of bread or leftover pieces of bread. A few fish is only mentioned in one verse (8:7). Meier takes an unbiased position. On one hand, he rejects the views of the commentators that the Elisha story or the Last Supper had any influence on the feeding miracle. The parallels are so clear. On the other hand, the parallels are not much that the origin of the feeding miracle narrative can be en tirely explained merely by application to the Elisha story or the Last Supper tradition. The Elisha story and Last Supper tradition cannot completely explain the origin of the story of Jesus feeding the multitude. The question that comes into place is whether there are indications that some historical event in Jesus ministry may be behind the early Christian narrative? The answer comes from two criteria of historicity. (1) When compared to most Gospel miracle stories, the feeding miracle is supported by an unusually strong verification of multiple sources. It is not only verified independently in both Mark and John, but also two variant forms (cycles) of the tradition lying behind Marks Gospel; each one begins with one version of the feeding miracle (Mark 6:32-44 and Mark 8:1-10). Before the cycles were created, the two versions of the feeding miracle would have spread as independent units, the first version attracting itself to the story of Jesus walking on the water (a development that can be witnessed in John 6), while the second version did not receive much detail. B ehind all the versions of the miracle story, it would have had some primitive form. (2) Jesus normally spoke of the coming kingdom of God under the image of a banquet. The emphasis of a banquet or festival meal as an image of the kingdom were not just words spoken; it played an important role in Jesus actions as well. Jesus has been known for his presence at festival banquets (Mark 2:15-17; Matthew 11:18-19; Luke 7:33-34). Based on Meiers opinion, in comparison to the various celebrations of table fellowship hosted by Jesus, the most memorable one was the feeding of the multitude; due to the unusual number of participants; also this one was held at the Sea of Galilee, rather than in a town or village. Some have suggested that Jesus and his disciples shared what little food they had with others, which influenced the rest of the crowd (especially the rich people present in the crowd) by their good example to share their supplies until all were fed. Other critics came up with the assumption that Jesus hid supplies of food in a cave and made his disciples distribute it to the crowd. Albert Schweitzer gave his own twist; Jesus gave everyone in the crowd a piece of bread as a symbol of the heavenly banquet to come; the meal was thus the antitype of the messianic feastà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦a sacrament of redemption. Meier believes the sources do not allow us to specify the details of the event, especially since the influence of both the Elisha miracle story and the Last Supper tradition on the retelling of the story in Christian decades. Whether something actually miraculous happened is not open to verification by the means of a historian; it ultimately depends on a persons worldview, not what historical investigation can tell us about the event. In the last analysis, nothing connects these widely different stories together. For some time, it has seemed that at least one link, non-historically, would connect all the natural miracles together. But now the common link has been broken by the story of Jesus feeding the multitude, in Meiers view, that goes back to some memorable meal of the public ministry. Once again, the common category called nature miracles is viewed to be an illusion. According to Daniel Harrington, the story of the miracle feeding is the only miracle of Jesus proved in all four Gopsels, and the only one that is recounted in two forms. The feedings occur in the wilderness or desolate places and are gift miracles similar to the water from the rock (Exod 17:1-7) and the miraculous feeding of the Israelites through manna in the wilderness (Exod 16:1-36). Daniel says the Wisdom tradition feeding is linked with teaching and bread is linked with knowledge. Harrington states the closest the story in the Old Testament that parallels the miracle story found in Mark is the feeding story of Elisha; he agrees with Meier. In both stories, the main characters (Jesus, Elisha) give an impossible order involving a small amount of food and a large crowd to feed. In both cases, there is food left over even though there are more people than there is food. The narrative follows the general structure of a miracle story with a setting that describes a situation of need, a request, the mighty work itself, and some demonstration of the action. There are a number of elements that brings up the question of relations between the two Marcian feedings. They have similarity in setting, content, and structure but also, significant differeneces. The differences are the number of individuals in the crowd (5000 vs. 4000), the amount of food originally available, and the disclosure between Jesus and the disciples. Harrington points out that in Mark 8:1-10, the disciples give no indication of knowing that Jesus will perform his mighty work, even after the participating in the feeding of Mark 6:30-44. There have been various proposals to help relate the narratives: (1) there was a single early narrative that took different forms in the tradition, (2) Mark 8: 1-10 is an early pre-Markan narrative that Mark uses to compose the one found in Mark 6:30-44 ( which can detested by Meier, himself); and (3) there were two different pre-Marcian versions of the story and both were edited by Mark. There is a belief by the majority of interpreters that there was an early narrative that the individual evangelists reworked and adapted to their theological perspectives. Harrington agrees with Meier on the thought that all the feeding stories and the Last Supp narrative, despite the significant differences, describe Jesus saying a blessing or a prayer of thanksgiving; taking bread, breaking it, and giving it to disciples or crowds to eat. The similarities outweigh the differences. One option that should be avoided is the belief that the people were so moved by the words of Jesus that they divided their food with others, as Meier also stated. The narrative rather gives a picture of Jesus as compassionate toward the hungry people and concerned about their physical hunger. Harrington believed a church that invokes the name of Jesus must be concerned about the spiritual and physical hungers of people today. According to William Lane, the account of the feeding of the multitude has a particular significance in the framework of Marks Gospel. The elaborate introduction (Mark 6:30-34), the extended dialogue with the disciples (Mark 6:35-38) , the frequent references to this occasion (Mark 6: 52; 8:17-21) and the sequel in the feeding of the four thousand (Mark 8:1-10), shows that the evangelist regarded this event as crucial for understanding the dignity of Jesus. The book of Mark shows the glory of God unveiled through the abundant provision of bread in the wilderness where Jesus is Israels faithful shepherd. The extended conversation of Jesus with his disciples concerning bread is the distinctive element in the Marcan account of the feeding of the multitude, as Meier would agree with. Overall, I do believe the feeding of the five thousand found in Mark 8 is the redaction of Mark 6. It only makes sense, because the version of the story in Mark 6 and John 6 share many similiarities , compared to the version in Mark 8; Mark 6 and John 6 share the feeding the story with the five thousand people fed with five loaves of bread and two fishes, while the Mark 8 version feeds four thousand people with seven loaves of bread and two fishes. It goes to show that the feeding story found in John 6 is the independent version of the feeding miracle and that Mark versions represent two different versions of the feeding miracle. Growing up in the church, I would say that I strongly disagree with Meirs belief that Jesus performed miracles of exorcism, during his public ministries. I was taught that Jesus performed miraculous works because he had compassion and love for his people, and wanted his disciples and follows to witness the good works of the Lord, his Father. I do agree that the Old Testaments stories (particularly the story of the Elisha feeding) and the Last Supper do share many similarities, but I do not see substantial evidence to say that these two stories influenced the miracle feeding of the five thousand. As Meier said it, I also believe it still remains to be proven if Jewish and Christian influences had any part with creating the Gospel miracle story. Even though the Last Supper has parallels with the miracle feeding story found in Mark 8, the parallel in Mark 6 is not quite clear and less clear in John 6. Like Meier, I believe the actions of Jesus over the bread and wine was him giving than ksgiving to God, also done by the head of a Jewish household over the bread that is broken to begin a formal meal and sometime he acts out constantly. The parallel of thanksgiving or blessings over the bread first and then over the fish does not resemble the original Jewish ritual of Thanksgiving; only the narrative of Jesus parallel over the bread and wine. I also agree with Meier that the Elisha Story and the Last Supper tradition cannot completely explain the origin of the story of Jesus feeding the multitude. It is debatable as to whether there are any indications that some historical event in Jesus ministry may be behind the early Christian miracle stories. I do believe the emphasis of a banquet or festival meal as a image of the kingdom were not words spoken, but played an important role in Jesus actions; he was known for his presence at festival banquets. I strongly agree with Meier that the most memorable banquet or festival meal is the feeding of the multitude. Growing up, I always knew and was aware of the feeding miracle; I knew a little bit of the Last Supper and knew nothing of the Elisha story. Personally, the feeding story was one of the stories that always stuck to me. I believe that whether something miraculous happening in the feeding miracle depends on a persons worldview, not from the results of the historical investigation of an event. It is up to everyone to do their own result and have their own beliefs.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Math150 College Algebra Ctu Phase 1 Db2

MATH150-1201A-01 Phase 1 DB2 Part 1 and Part 2-Primary Task Response January, 2012 Part 1 Confirmation of MyLabsPlus login I was able to login to MyLabsPlus with my username and password. Part 2 Primary Task Response 1. I went into the learning lab and in the mathematics section I chose the presentation titled â€Å"Basic Algebra Skills-Real numbers & Algebraic Equations, Exponents & Scientific Notation, Radicals & Radical Exponents, and Polynomials†. I chose this presentation because I felt I needed to remember algebraic equations, exponents and polynomials. I have not had algebra for many years so this presentation was a very good refresher. It reminded me about real numbers and algebraic expressions and square roots. It was good to be reminded about the steps you take in algebra to solve an equation such as: 1. Perform operations within the innermost parenthesis first and working outward. 2. Evaluate all exponential expressions. 3. Perform multiplications and divisions as they occur, working from left to right. 4. Perform additions and subtractions as they occur, working from left to right. Overall the presentation was a very good reminder. I am happy I watched this particular presentation. I definitely will benefit by visiting the learning lab math center because I have not had algebra in many years and I will need the extra help to learn. 2. I would explain to the programmers in my new job that a mathematical expression is a phrase or a sentence fragment with a variable that has to be simplified and has no relation symbol. And that a mathematical equation is a sentence that you solve and has a relation symbol and is a statement that two numbers or expressions are equal. A couple of mathematical examples of the difference between an expression and an equation is: 1. Mathematical expression – 1. z + 2 ? (7 – z) 2. A number is less than five. x < 10. 2. Mathematical equation – 1. 6 =6 2. 15 = 2 + 13 A real life example of when someone would use a mathematical expression is when a car is going a certain mph speed and the driver wants to know how many miles he has traveled after so many hours. A real life example of when someone would use a mathematical equation would be to figure their profit or loss during months of business. 3. I would explain to the programmer that the expression means five x five x five = 125 and not 5 x 3. I would explain that 5 is the â€Å"base† and 3 is the â€Å"exponent† or â€Å"power†. I would show him/her how to calculate it on paper. A real life example where one would use exponents is when one would need to measure square feet, square kilometers or square inches. You might also use it if you need extremely tiny or extremely big quantity results. References Math League Press, (copyright, 1997-2006). Introduction to algebra. Retrieved from http://www. mathleague. com Miller, M. (copyright, 2003 -2012). Where do you need or use exponents in everyday life?. Retrieved from http://www. homeschoolmath. net/teaching/where-need-exponents. php Editorial Board. College algebra. Chapters 1 and 2. Colorado Technical University: Words of Wisdom.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Critical and Creative Thinking in Society Short Essay Essay

The situation that comes to mind of public interest is the rioting and looting going on in Ferguson, Missouri. We understand everyone in the community is upset about the shooting but you also have to remember that this has not been the only shooting over the years dealing with an African America male, and look how a few bad people can change the message that your organization or group is really trying to get across. We believe the purpose of the protest was to bring awareness to the issue at hand but now it has turn into something else now. Free will is the ability to do whatever you want at any time, truth is something that is justify a fact that has happen, and knowledge is the research and experience you have on different subjects. Opinion is something every individual has about every situation. Critical thinking process hindrances are self-deception, resistance to change, and stereotyping there are a few ways to deal with this issue whether in business or everyday life. One is to make change easy, and simple people are most likely to get on board if you do that. Self- deception just be honest with yourself, and others being in business not tell shareholder the truth could back fire on you. We believe this last one is probably the hardest stereotyping because of everyone’s up bring but we believe if you look at the facts and take way stigma of what you have heard most the time you will see that the stereotype was wrong. An advertisement that perceives to make you jump higher and play better basketball is the Michael Jordon Nike advertisement, but the reality of it is that you have to have some skills to play like Mike. Reference Ruggiero, V. R. (2012). The Art of Thinking, A Guide to Critical and Creative Though (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education,Inc.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Abortion - yes or no Free Essay Example, 1500 words

in pregnancies prior to the point of viability, the government does not have the right to impede a womans right to decide whether or not to continue a pregnancy (Head). In most of the cases, abortion is being performed when unwanted pregnancies occur. Teenagers are most vulnerable to unwanted pregnancies because of their uncontrolled sexual activities during the adolescent period because of the development of sex hormones. It is illogical to punish a teenager for her entire life span for a momentary lapse of control occurred to her during her teenage period. Supporters of abortion believe that unwanted pregnancies may damage the physical and psychological health of teenagers and therefore they should be legally allowed to abort the fetus. It is an accepted fact that pregnancies will make lot of physical changes in a female body. In other words, pregnancies will destroy the beauty of the female body. Males often attracted towards females after watching the beautiful figure of a girl. In the absence of a good figure, it is difficult for the females to get the company of males they like. We will write a custom essay sample on Abortion - yes or no or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Moreover, it is difficult for a teenage girl with a child to get the company of a male. The failure to attract opposite sex will create lot of psychological problems to the teenage girl with a child. Under such circumstances, abortions should be legally permitted to save the teenagers from experiencing psychological trauma. â€Å"Thousands of American women died and thousands more were maimed before abortion was legal. For this reason and others, women and men fought for and achieved womens legal right to make their own decisions about abortion† (Nine Reasons Why Abortions are Legal). Proponents of abortion believe that a woman’s right to make decisions concerning her body and her future outweigh the rights of the fetus. In their opinion, since the women who became pregnant should have better knowledge about the consequences of a sexual intercourse prior to the sexual activities and she should have taken preventive measures to prevent unwanted pregnancies. The above argument is also meaningless. Adolescence is a period in rational thinking is almost impossible. The influence of sex hormones will motivate the teenagers to engage in sexual activities quiet regularly. Even if the teenagers succeeded in taking preventive measures, sometimes the preventive measures need not be successful and unwanted pregnancies can take place. It is impossible for a teenager to enjoy her life as she like after giving birth to a child.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The True Meaning of Example of an Apa Research Paper

The True Meaning of Example of an Apa Research Paper The list of reference has to have a title that's centered from the top of the webpage and double spaced. All your headings have to be equal in significance or importance of one another. A title page is generally in the middle of the page and is a concise overview of the topic. The very first page in an essay below the APA format must satisfy these requirements. The War Against Example of an Apa Research Paper You might also see book outline. You can also see essay outline. You can also see resume outline. You might also see presentation outline. Example of an Apa Research Paper: the Ultimate Convenience! The demands of an APA citation are extremely exhaustive. APA format can help you to organize your paper well. The APA advises that you use the author-date method. APA and MLA each have various ways to compile and present a bibliography in a paper, so it's important to check into the particular formats for the standa rd which you are expected to use. If you aren't conscious of APA requirements just type in Google (or some other search engine) APA format and you are certain to get a good deal of results. Thus, you need to understand how to cite your sources right. The APA is among the most influential associations of professional psychologists on earth, including specialists from the USA and Canada, in addition to associate members from some other countries. APA format is well-known among students owing to its simple guidelines and approach. You want to assemble facts and ideas from number of sources and then you've got to skillfully interweave your own ideas and suggestions to create a research paper. If you wind up with different sources from the exact author, a few of which were published in exactly the same year, utilize an a'' and b'' designation to differentiate between both sources in your alphabetical listing. So, the one thing you need to do is simply to organize information you've found and texts you have written for your research. If needed, you can supply the list of the key keywords of your paper, it is going to help different people should they need to seek out your work in internet databases but you ought to use only keywords that describe your research in a suitable way. The Battle Over Example of an Apa Research Paper and How to Win It Investing in your future by selecting an editor who's a specialist in APA formatting together with in the proper use of the English language can turn a typical thesis into a superb thesis. As the title of the writing implies you must conduct the research in the certain region of knowledge. An APA format indicates the relationships of the ideas in your writing. For example if you're writing a business letter you may use a template that has space assigned for your address, your clients address and similar requisites. APA is a well-liked reference style employed in many types of academic writing. For instance, a Web page may not readily incorporate an author's name. The format of your abstract also depends upon the sort of paper you're writing. When writing references, APA style advises that you give the author's last name and utilize initials for the other names. If you understand how to compose an article critique, you will readily finish the assignment not based on its complexity and formatting peculiarities. All notes can be put on a single page at the close of the paper in the APA writing style. In case the writer employs a quote over 40 words, then it has to be indented five spaces from the margin and written in double space. All the references have to be set on a page at the close of the paper. The Fundamentals of Example of an Apa Research Paper Revealed A research paper that concerns scientific issues isn't only a free-style essay where you are able to tell readers whatever you desire. By studying various outline samples, you're guaranteed to come up with the ideal research paper outline in virtually no time. Actually, just about all academic and skilled research papers are needed to have an annotated bibliography. If you read an illustration of APA paper, you can observe that running heads aren't always mandatory. For any type of social science publication, the APA 6th edition is the best tool. For that reason, it's of interest to the student to find an APA citation handbook for individual reference. While the APA abstract has to be comprehensive, it is essential that you keep it short and concise. In the end, if you're writing your paper for a course or for a particular publication, make sure to bear in mind any particular instructions supplied by your instructor or by the journal editor. A letter of consent will likewise be sent to them together with a sample copy of the questionnaire which will be used, and the protocol of the researcher. The author names in addition to the year ought to be mentioned. Once you select the topic, there are some steps that you can follow to compose a research paper. New research is being conducted each day, and new means of learning are being perfected just as fast. The evaluation procedure must not develop into a power struggle between both people. Utilizing an illustration may greatly allow you to create a suitable structure, use necessary formatting procedures and shape the entire work according to professor's demands.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Legalization Gay Marriage - 1099 Words

Legalization of Gay Marriage What is the definition of marriage? The dictionary states it as being the legal union between a man and a woman as husband and wife. However, times are changing as the gay life style becomes more accepted by society it is time to allow all couples regardless of sex to enjoy equal protections, rights and benefits under the law. Perhaps, it makes the most sense to consider arguments against same sex marriage to realize why it should be legalized; these arguments touch upon a broad array of issues including: parenting, religion and morality, procreation, rights and benefits, and values and institute of marriage. Parenting Many people believe that same sex marriages are not the ideal environments for†¦show more content†¦Many people also believe that legalizing same sex marriages will lead to a huge portion of the population to suddenly declare themselves as homosexuals: I find this scenario to be very unlikely. Equal Rights, Benefits, and Financial Implications Although they currently are not the reality is that marriage benefits should be accessible to all couples. Gay couples are unfairly denied the countless benefits enjoyed by heterosexual couples that are able to marry. For instance, they are not eligible for tax benefits, insurance benefits and are sometimes denied joint ownership of property. Furthermore, Same sex couples are even denied the right to make certain medical decisions with regards to their partner. For example, a gay couple that has been together for 25 years is not allowed to visit their partner in the hospital after visiting hours due to the fact they are not considered family. They each are considered legal strangers. A common belief among opponents of same sex marriage is that businesses would be forced to provide benefits to same sex couples. (Bidstrup, 2004) This is not necessarily the case, and many businesses already voluntarily offer marriage benefits to same sex couples as a matter of good business sense. The b usinesses that offer these benefits recognize the importance and invaluable support spouses make to their working partners; these companies are generally viewed as progressive and are attractive to investorsShow MoreRelatedThe Legalization Of Gay Marriage1527 Words   |  7 PagesAnna Aiello Professor Jessica Lugo College Writing 1 25 September 2015 The Legalization of Gay Marriage A New York Times article honors that on June 26th, the United States declared same-sex marriage a right nationwide. â€Å"Love wins,† chanted the crowd outside the Supreme Court (Liptak). The Supporters of same-sex marriage celebrated the new feeling they received of love equality. For many years, homosexuals companions have been deprived from their right to become legally united. ThisRead MoreThe Legalization Of Gay Marriage1749 Words   |  7 PagesThe Legalization of Gay Marriage: A Step to Equality Imagine a world where heterosexuals are the minority. Straight people would be the ones fighting for the same rights as homosexuals. Same-sex marriages would be average and normal, while straight marriages would be frowned upon and considered unholy in the eyes of religion. Heterosexuals would be denied service at restaurants because of their sexuality, they would be called derogatory names while holding their partner’s hand and most importantlyRead MoreThe Legalization Of Gay Marriage1411 Words   |  6 PagesAbstract The legalization of gay marriages is one of the most controversial issues throughout particularly in modern life. This paper, based on secondary research, arguing for legalizing same-sex marriage through specific analysis of its positive influences. In particular, there are two main benefits regarding society as well as economy. The finds of the research indicate that gays or lesbians are completely an important part of society. Therefore, they must have the rights to live and marry legallyRead MoreThe Legalization Of Gay Marriage1638 Words   |  7 Pagesimportant cultural development in America in the last twenty-five years has definitely been the legalization of gay marriage. Few other issues in public policy have resulted in such a dramatic shift in public opinion as the controversy same-sex marriage and the rights that come along with the institute of marriage. The decade of the seventies was the time when numerous state statutes materialized defining marriages to only be valid between and man and a woman. Later in the nineties and on into two-thousandsRead MoreThe Legalization Of Gay Marriage1269 Words   |  6 Pages It appears people are less frequently getting married to hide being gay than in the past. Now it has be-come more prominent socially. The legalization of gay marriage has led to more people feeling comfortable coming out. There are definitely still people that hide being gay due to family, friends, or religious lack of acceptance. This could af-fect treatment of patient if they do not fully tell the physician their full sexual history. In the video, one of the characters said, â€Å"everything in itsRead MoreLegalization of Gay Marriage1319 Words   |  6 PagesREGINA KHOR MAY LIN AA09179 Relationship Should we legalize same-sex marriage in our country? To persuade To persuade my audience that we should legalize same-sex marriage in our country. Same-sex marriage should be legalized since it is the natural form of the marriage evolution, part of human rights and able to prevent psychological stress from the LGB community. (LGB- lesbian, gays and bisexuals) Problem and solution I.INTRODUCTION Picture this... A man meets someoneRead MoreThe Legalization of Gay Marriage Essay2475 Words   |  10 PagesAmericans on several levels. Politically, gay marriage is one of the hot issues that public officials are asked to take a position on. Legally, matters of jurisdiction have caused uncertainty on whether a couple of the same sex will be recognized should they decide to move. Socially, America is still in turmoil due to how strongly both the opposition and advocacy feel for their cause. This has resulted hate crimes and protest, which brings gay marriage to a personal level as well. This issue causesRead MoreLegalization of Gay Marriage Essay1285 Words   |  6 PagesLegalization of gay marriage has been a major controversial topic for a long time. Although, many people do not know what it means to be homosexual, most people do not know the actual definition of homosexuality and they do not know how difficult it is to be gay in this society. There are many reasons why people are against gay marriage and homosexuals all together. Most of the reasons are based on religious bias another big reason is being afraid of the unknown. Some smaller reasons are that beingRead MoreEssay about Legalization of Gay Marriage1124 Words   |  5 PagesThe legalization of gay marriage in the U.S. bears the same stigma as have prior civil rights issues, and as such should be proposed as one of utmost importance, and careful consideration. If our government, as it claims, is secular in nature, then it would be wrong for it to base its treatment of individuals outside the boundaries of what is naturally understood as the right of every man, woman, and child, to pursue a lifestyle that is fulfilling. By the same token, white people, black peopleRead MoreAbortion, Gay Marriage, And The Legalization Of Marijuana2946 Words   |  12 Pagesgatherings, private debate, and especially political races. Whether you know it or not, if you assimilate into society in anyway, you probably have an opinion on some issues in today’s culture. Some major topics in today’s news are abortion, gay marriage, and t he legalization of marijuana. These issues have increasingly divided us as a society, and have also infiltrated into our political affiliation. The two major parties, Democrats and Republicans, have never been able to see eye to eye on theses issues

Monday, December 9, 2019

Comprehending Indian Images and Symbolism free essay sample

An analysis of Indian expression of imagery and symbolism. An examination of Indian arts with emphasis on the images and symbolism in the Indian notions of art and religion. The author examines the influences of the Western world on Indian expression of art. For thousands of years the arts have thrived on the Indian sub-continent, with the advent of western influence and occupation taking place only within the last few hundred years. The impact of western influence upon India is unmistakable, especially in regards to her arts and religion, serving not so much as a contributor, but as a critic. To even begin to comprehend and appreciate the incredible diversity and complexity of Indian arts, we must undergo a paradigm shift of our most basic western beliefs and notions of art and religion. Therefore, an understanding of the historical interpretations of Indian art is essential. Going beyond this, we must construct a rudimentary primer on seeing Indian images, also known as daran, and trying to understand, at least at a basic level, the symbolism involved in such religiously rich imagery. We will write a custom essay sample on Comprehending Indian Images and Symbolism or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page